Thursday, 12 August 2021

Casino in Brief: Make Mine a Double (x 15)

The Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem, Pennsylvania this year found itself on the receiving end of lawsuit that surely had to involve a double take. An individual, Nicholas Mullins, 31, of Lock Haven, Pa was taking legal action against them on account that he beat his then fiance while drunk.

His claim for unspecified monetary damaging and comes as result of his belief that the casino, not himself, is at fault for the assualt due to the fact that they served him 15 double Jamisons.

"Nick is here not asking for sympathy," Niemtzow told jurors. "He's only asking from you whether he deserves what the law allows him to get, which is compensation. He's not looking for a big payday. He's looking for compensation for what was taken away from him."

At time of the lawsuit, Mullins has already been given a four-year state prison sentence.